Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Amarok another Media Player for Linux
Well, Amarok is from what Exaile was inspired. So give it a try.
sudo apt-get install amarok
Film #66: The Conversation
Film #66: The Conversation
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Total Solar Eclipse in China
The eclipse this week follows a very narrow track across the arctic regions of the globe and finishes across Siberia and western China. The Exploratorium of San Francisco is sending a crew to report on the eclipse including a live video linkup and webcast from the ground in China. For the hard core eclipse fans who want to feel some of the excitement without leaving the Bay Area, the Exploratorium is having an all night party. The Exploratorium did this for the last total solar eclipse in Turkey (both broadcasting live from Turkey and having a party at the Exploratorium). I had the good fortune to travel to Turkey and witness that solar eclipse from Side on the Mediterranean coast.
Given that the eclipse happens during the afternoon in China, it will be very early Friday morning here in California (4 am). For those who want to watch it live on the internet, you will have to get up early. And for those who are into long-range planning, the next Total Solar Eclipse is in July 2009 in Asia and the Pacific, and in 2017 in the United States.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Changing Perspectives
Growing up in Los Angeles I saw summer concerts at the Hollywood Bowl and noticed that even in the bright lights of LA, you can see the Summer Triangle shining above the stage at the Hollywood Bowl. That perspective never has escaped me and whenever I see the Summer Triangle during July or August in the early evening, I can visualize myself looking at the stage at a Hollywood Bowl concert. Last night I was watching Steely Dan at the Berkeley Greek Theater and learned a new view, that of the stars over the Berkeley Greek at night. Above the stage to the left was Scorpio, rising higher as the concert went on. To the right were the stars of Leo (with Mars and Saturn still nearby in the glowing sky after sunset). Just above the stage is Spica (the brightest star in Virgo) and Arcturus (the brightest star in Bootes). Most of the other stars in Virgo and in nearby Libra are too washed out by city light and moisture in the air to be seen above the Greek theater stage, but there were still plenty of bright stars and planets to enjoy. Later in the evening Jupiter, now visible in Sagittarius, rose in the east (above the stage to the left) and dominated the sky. I enjoyed getting to know a new night sky above a popular venue and look forward to the memories of that concert every time I see this particular lineup of stars.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
9th sysadmin day
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Side Orders #4: The Music Edition
Side Orders #4: The Music Edition
CHM viewer - gnochm
Twitter client, twitux
Its called twitux.
Go to the site
Install it by
sudo apt-get install twitux
Start it from
Saturday, July 19, 2008
When Linux Hangs
So when your desktop freezes you can use ATL+CTRL+BackSpace to restart X or GDM.
If that doesn't helps there are other important key sequences that can help you when your computer freezes. They prevent you from file system error during the crash. Also they gives some program to make emergency backup of unsaved work. They are called magic SysRq keys. Please note that they dont work on kernel panic.
To safely restart freezed system,
Press ALT+PrintScreen
While holding them press and release the following keys one by one.
Please keep in mind that you need to press each key for 2-3 seconds.
These keys are the shortcut for:
Raw Sync tErminate kIll Unmount reBoot
To safely shutdown freezed system,
Press ALT+PrintScreen
While holding them press and release the following keys one by one.
Please keep in mind that you need to press each key for 2-3 seconds.
These keys are the shortcut for:
Raw Sync tErminate kIll Unmount shutdOwn
There function is:
Raw take control of keyboard back from X
tErminate send SIGTERM to all processes, allowing them to terminate racefully
kIll send SIGKILL to all processes, forcing them to terminate immediately
Sync flush data to disk
Unmount remount all filesystems read-only
reBoot reboot the system
shutdOwn shutdown the system
For more
Thursday, July 17, 2008
free the fish - swimming fish in your desktop
Voila! You have got guest in your desktop!!!!!
How to remove comments and blank lines from file
You can do it in a very easy single step.
#grep -v ^$ file.conf | grep -v ^#
What it does is grep ^$ from your file. You must be saying I don't have any such character in my file. Actually those characters have their own meaning.
^ begging of the line
$ end of the line
So searching for ^$ means you are searching a blank line.
The -v option invert your search.
So #grep -v ^$ matches all the lines except the blank lines.
Again the pipe '|' sends those match to another grep command which matches any line begging with '#'. Then -v option again inverts the match giving you all the lines except comment and blank lines.
If you want the output in a file rather than screen then redirect it,
#grep -v ^$ file.conf | grep -v ^# > newfile
For more of the input/output and error redirection visit
device manager for Ubuntu
These tools are all command based and you wont find any wonderful GUI tools on the system menu.
If you want to see the details of your computer hardware in GUI mode then hardinfo is the program for you.
You can install it by:
sudo apt-get install hardinfo
Then launch application launcher by pressting ALT+F2 and typing hardinfo.
Thought the topic says this is not a device manager. It only displays information about the devices. So you can call it hardware information on Ubuntu.
Understanding routing table flags
#netstat -r
The output is very handy and helps in troubleshooting your network problem. The flags if you can understand will help you much more. So here is the summary of the flags and their meaning.
Flag | Name | Meaning |
1 | RTF_PROTO1 | Protocol specific routing flag 1 |
2 | RTF_PROTO2 | Protocol specific routing flag 2 |
3 | RTF_PROTO3 | Protocol specific routing flag 3 |
B | RTF_BLACKHOLE | Just discard pkts (during updates) |
b | RTF_BROADCAST | The route represents a broadcast address |
C | RTF_CLONING | Generate new routes on use |
c | RTF_PRCLONING | Protocol-specified generate new routes on use |
D | RTF_DYNAMIC | Created dynamically (by redirect) |
G | RTF_GATEWAY | Destination requires forwarding by intermediary |
H | RTF_HOST | Host entry (net otherwise) |
L | RTF_LLINFO | Valid protocol to link address translation |
M | RTF_MODIFIED | Modified dynamically (by redirect) |
R | RTF_REJECT | Host or net unreachable |
S | RTF_STATIC | Manually added |
U | RTF_UP | Route usable |
W | RTF_WASCLONED | Route was generated as a result of cloning |
X | RTF_XRESOLVE | External daemon translates proto to link address |
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
1. LOG IN KE :
(sesuai dengan kebutuhan anda Sebagai Operator NISN-Dapodik)
5. KLIK Daftar siswa mutasi belum disetujui per kota
6. KLIK box Lanjut
7. KLIK box Download - muncul box
8. SAVE FILE (terserah anda mau dimana or folder mana)
(open file nya pake Micrososft Excel)
10.EKSEKUSI dech file tadi
dengan menggunakan menu Approval Mutasi Siswa
dengan memasukkan NISN nya one by one
sekian, semoga membantu Sobat2 Operator Dapodik se-Nusantara
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Film #64: M.A.S.H.
Film #64: M.A.S.H.
Film #63: High Plains Drifter
Film #63: High Plains Drifter
Film #62: The Fearless Vampire Killers, or: Pardon Me, But Your Teeth Are In My Neck
Film #62: The Fearless Vampire Killers, or: Pardon Me, But Your Teeth Are In My Neck
Film #61: Duel
Film #61: Duel
Friday, July 11, 2008
Eqonomize track your income and expense
Its very easy to use.
Simply add the category of your income and expenses. The default one is also very good.
Then whenever there is any income or expense simply go to that tab and fill them.
It also features split transaction, transfers, securities and schedule income or expense.
Software untuk mencari crack & serial number
Seksologi Ebooks
Software untuk mempercepat komputer
Software untuk mempercepat koneksi internet
Software Kirim Email Massal
Software SEO Report
Software Website Submitter
Software Web Page Maker
Software untuk membuat beberapa java script
Software Data Recovery
Software Kalender Cantik di Desktop
Software Tampilan Jam dinding di desktop
Software untuk mengubah Icon pada Windows Explorer
Software Untuk mempercantik Icon di Desktop
Software untuk mengunci folder pada windows XP
Software untuk memproteksi dan menyembunyikan folder
Software untuk memperbaiki bad sector
Software Untuk Mencari File Duplikat dalam Hardisk
Memberi background pada flashdisk dan folder pada windows explorer
Software untuk Shutdown Otomatis
Software untuk mengubah gambar berwarna menjadi sketsa
Software untuk mengubah gambar biasa menjadi gambar lucu
Software Image Converter
Software untuk memotong file menjadi beberapa bagian
Software Untuk Memotong file MP3
Software Untuk Membuat Skin Winamp
Software Untuk Membuat File CHM
Software untuk membuat file PDF (1)
Software untuk membuat file PDF (2)
Software untuk mengubah file PDF ke Word
Software untuk mengedit file PDF
Software untuk menghapus password file PDF
Software untuk mengambil gambar dari file PDF
Software SysSense untuk melihat Earning Adsense
Software Quran In Word
Software Torent / Peer To Peer
Software untuk Screen Capture
Software Kamus Inggris-Indonesia
Software Kamus Arab-Indonesia
Membuat Banner
Font Jawa (Ha na ca ra ka)
Font Times New Arabic
Spelling Grammar Indonesia di Ms. Word
Koleksi gambar-gambar Bagus
CD Linux UBUNTU Gratis
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Monday, July 7, 2008
conky-system monitor on your desktop
conky is very light weight system monitor.
With more than 250 builtin objects, it includes support for email clients and media players too.
see more screenshots
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Planets fading into the sunset
The U.S. of A at 24 Frames Per Second: 200 American Movies Movie-Obsessed Americans Should See
The U.S. of A at 24 Frames Per Second: 200 American Movies Movie-Obsessed Americans Should See
Go to for more information regarding it and its features.
For now install it with
apt-get install gnucash gnucash-docs
Friday, July 4, 2008
Microsoft KB: How to remove Linux
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Cacti on Freebsd
While there are many tutorials on installation and use of cacti this tutorial aims on providing just enough information to make installation work and graphing possible.
Cacti requires that the following software is installed on your system.
* RRDTool 1.0.49 or 1.2.x or greater
* MySQL 3.23 or greater, 4.1.x or 5.x or greater
* PHP 4.3.6 or greater, 5.x greater highly recommended for
advanced features
* A Web Server e.g. Apache
On you freebsd box
# cd /usr/ports/net/cacti
# make config
enable plugins
# make && make install
This will take care of all the packages it requires like
* apache
* rrdtool
* net-snmp
* php5-extensions
* php5 (With MySQL and SNMP Support)
* mysql server
To start snmp, apache and mysql in every reboot type
# echo 'snmpd_enable="YES"' >>/etc/rc.conf
# echo '/usr/local/libexec/mysqld --user=mysql &' >> /etc/rc.conf
# echo '/usr/local/sbin/apachectl start' >>/etc/rc.conf
To configure your snmp run the following command
# snmpconf
If you are installing mysql for the first time then
# chown -R mysql:mysql /var/db/mysql
For Apache 2.x
You should make sure that the following line is present in your httpd.conf file.
LoadModule php5_module libexec/apache/
In httpd.conf itself
<IfModule mod_dir.c>
<IfModule mod_php3.c>
<IfModule mod_php5.c>
DirectoryIndex index.php index.php3 index.html
<IfModule !mod_php4.c>
DirectoryIndex index.php3 index.html
<IfModule !mod_php3.c>
<IfModule mod_php5.c>
DirectoryIndex index.php index.html index.htm
<IfModule !mod_php4.c>
DirectoryIndex index.html
Or you can simply have
DirectoryIndex index.php index.html index.htm
Finally add these two lines
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
AddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps
Add an alias for your cacti.
For eg: if you have your cacti setup on /usr/local/share/cacti then add an alias with
Alias /cacti /usr/local/share/cacti
Alternatively you can configure symbolic link too.
Now configure Mysql
First set root password
# mysqladmin --user=root password newpassword
# mysqladmin --user=root --password reload
Create a database for cacti
# mysqladmin --user=root --password create cacti
Import the default cacti database
# mysql cacti
Create a mysql username and password for cacti
# mysql --user=root --password mysql
mysql> Grant all on cacti.* to 'cactiuser'@'localhost' identified by 'password';
Edit the file include/config.php to reflect the current database changes.
Edit your crontab
# crontab -e
*/5 * * * * cactiuser php /var/www/html/cacti/poller.php > /dev/null 2>&
Open your browser and access http://thewebser/cacti
This completes the instllation.
Creating graph, graph template, host template and other useful stuffs will be covered in next part of the tutorial.
I have data template and graph template for
Proxim wireless device like Tsunami showing SNR, signal and noise.
Deliberant wirelss device showing RSSI and channel.